Documentación » General » Payment methods and cancellation

Payment methods and cancellation

Payment methods

  • Credit card (Redsys) – [automatic renovation]: This is the favorite payment method of must of our client. The first time a customer pays, the bank returns a reference that can work for future payments. In the option payment methods, you can add or delete cards.
    When you choose this method, a 1% discount on the bill is applied.
  • Credit card (Stripe) – [automatic renovation]: The functionality is the same as Redsys. However, a 3% + 0.30€ fee is applied. We recommend it to those customers that want to pay with a credit card and have issues with Redsys. 
  • Paypal – [automatic renovation]: You can pay using Paypal. An authorization will be created that will be used to make the automatic renovation of the service, this way, you can be carefree since the renovation will be automated. A fee of 5% + 0.50€ will be applied. If you wish to cancel the authorization, you can go to payment methods on the customer area.
  • Coinpaymets – [manual renovation]: Allows payment with cryptocurrency, for example, Bitcoin, Letecoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, etc. A 10% fee will be charged.
  • Bizum – [manual renovation]: This method is available only for customers in Spain. Allows payment using your phone. No fee is applied.


You customer must expressly request it from the customer area, there are 2 options:

  • Cancel the product immediately (it will be destroyed within 24 hours).
  • At the end of the contract period and in this case it will be destroyed on the next expiration date.

To do this, access the product in question and click on the active button:

Cancelar 1

On the left menu, click on cancelation request.

Solicitar cancelación