Documentación » Hosting » Blocking e-mail forwarders to external accounts

Blocking e-mail forwarders to external accounts

Hosting accounts as well as Managed VPS have limited ability to create e-mail forwarders.
You can only create a forwarder if the recipient is an email account within your own cPanel.

To solve this problem, we recommend that you use the “Import” function of Gmail or “Synchronize” of Outlook. Here we explain how to do it.

The reason for applying this restriction is to limit the amount of SPAM that is sent from our servers. Forwarders include all mail, including SPAM that you receive and for Gmail or Hotmail, that SPAM comes from our server.
Forwarders include all mail, including SPAM that you receive and for Gmail or Hotmail, that SPAM comes from our server.

Import emails into Gmail

1- Access the Gmail settings

Ajustes Gmail

2- Select the option: Check email from other accounts> Add an email account

Anadir Cuenta

3- Enter the email account you want to import

correo de mi servidor

4- Select import via POP3 

Importar POP3
Finally, enter the connection data, it is important that:
  • The username is the full email account
  • The connection must be SSL
  • The port must be 995
Alternatively, we recommend you check the box to leave a copy of the messages on the server (in case you want to be able to read them in our webmail in the future)
Configurar POP

Import emails into Hotmail / Outlook

1- Access the Hotmail settings


2- Select the option: Mail > Sincronize > Other email accounts


3- Enter the email account you want to import and its password. If you do not know your password you can reset it in cPanel.


4- Select import via POP


5- Finally, enter the login data, it is important that:

  • The username is the full email account.
  • The connection must be SSL
  • The port must be 995

Outlook will not delete emails from the cPanel server, if you do not want to keep a copy of the emails in cPanel, you must periodically log in and delete them by hand, for example by selecting the option to delete emails older than 1 year.
