Documentación » VPS » VPS with Port 25 blocked

VPS with Port 25 blocked

In GINERNET all the IPs that we deliver to our clients are clean which allows sending e-mails and that these arrive to the recipient’s inbox without being catalogued as SPAM. As long as the e-mails are sent under the recommended standards.
As a measure to prevent the sending of SPAM from our network, all the unmanaged VPS that we install in GINERNET have blocked the connections that are made against port 25. You can eliminate this blocking with some of the following options:
  • If you are already a customer of ours for more than 1 year and have never had any claim for SPAM. We will remove the block at no cost.
  • If you contract your VPS server choosing the annual payment method and you make the payment by credit card or bitcoin.
  • If you make a single payment of €30 for unlocking.
We remind you that every 24 hours we analyze our entire pool of IP addresses in search of IPs that have been blocked by a blacklist such as Spamhaus, Spamcop, or similar.
When an IP is detected on a blacklist, a notice is sent to the client to perform the de-list procedure. If after 3 warnings we continue to detect that the IP is on a blacklist, the IP is automatically blocked without the possibility of moving traffic. However, it will automatically unlock when the IP is clean again.
We understand that an IP may occasionally fall on a blacklist (it has happened to all of us), however, if as a customer you unsubscribe your IP without having de-listed or if you have canceled your service and have returned an IP to us “burned”, your account will be penalized without being able to contract new servers with us.
For more information we can refer you to our terms and conditions contract.